At a time when our rights are being stripped back before our eyes, and the validity of our different experiences are being examined and dissected for better or worse, Ebi hosted the inaugural Soft Salon. A celebration of our myriad identities as women, mothers, and the divine feminine within each of us. That part of us that is ever-blooming, bountiful, and yes, changing. We see this principle reflected all around us. The only permanent feature of Mother Nature, society, and ourselves is that we change. Change is natural. Change is nature. If you aren’t changing, are you alive?

Ebi believes that motherhood should change us. Just as everything in our lives should. The resistance to this change can make the experience less than optimal. But if we open ourselves to it, surrender, and allow the awkwardness of metamorphosis to work its magic we can emerge as something unrecognizable to our former self. We might even discover that we can fly.

The inaugural Soft Salon was hosted in honor of Neighboorhood Birth Center. Ebi will be donating a portion of proceeds to their cause of bringing the first freestanding birth center to Boston. Join us in supporting them by shopping Ebi and use the code SOFTSALON for 15% off.

Ebi knows the importance of community and gathering. We are working to host more Soft Salons around the country. Fill out the form below and let us know where we should gather next.

Breighl Robbins